Jul 28, 2020 Robert Kaiser Robert Kaiser, electronic communication, responsiveness or inefficiency
The extraordinary time we are living in has had one decided effect - more people than ever are turning to the Internet to make contact and conduct business. Companies, large, medium and small who offer online commerce as part of their business activities, have seen online business growing in leaps and bounds as customers in ever larger numbers are making use of the convenience and relative safety of conducting their business online.
Financial services have been leading the way for years and who cannot say that online banking services offered in the banking sector have made life so much easier and less complicated for their customers? To visit an actual branch of a bank is nowadays a rarity. Retail has been following the online trend with great success. Yet, there are, it seems, challenges in attempting to come into contact with some organisations because of a seemingly unexplainable urge of anonymity and hiding behind a great-looking electronic shop window that leads nowhere.
Very few websites reveal the names and contact details of their key management and even when this is absent, there is no name or contact detail of anyone with whom one can get into contact with, except a space to enter a message under the “Contact Us” tab on the website. If you are lucky, they may provide a telephone number and address. If your luck continues, the telephone may even be answered, but that is no guarantee that the person on the other end:
My experience is: very, very rarely.
Many businesses do not seem to realise that their telephone systems and websites are their electronic shop windows and as much as one would berate a salesperson or receptionist for not promptly attending to a customer entering the premises, it is just as important, if not more so, that the same principle should apply when it comes to online contact. Online contact is online business, so why offend a potential customer by ignoring him/her when they enter your electronic premises?
It has even been found that large corporations ignore formal PAIA requests, despite a big hoo-ha on their website about the PAIA Act and transparency of information. Try and address a request to the contact details in some businesses’ PAIA Manuals and see how far you get; more often than not, a blank wall !
Electronic chat functionalities are not the answer either, as these could be unresponsive and not exhibit proper understanding of a customer’s needs.
One is tempted to come to the conclusion that unresponsiveness and the anonymity syndrome one comes across when attempting to contact a business can be ascribed to one of two factors:
Possible solutions to consider:
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